A&W Chiropractic

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Marietta, GA 30064


Flying Above Media Propoganda

The battle for health care dollars has gone out of control and so has the rise of medical costs. The 2012 Deloitte Study found that the U.S. Health Care budget for 2013 was over $3 trillion. The entire Medicare budget was $586 billion. The Canadian Health Care budget is approximately $30 billion. Staggering numbers!

The first thing you see when you fly above the propaganda and gain a 30,000 foot perspective is that these dollars are not spent on health. They are spent for the treatment of sickness, illness, pain, and suffering. They are spent on the cost of dying in peace.

While healing of the sick and suffering is certainly extremely important, it becomes increasingly clear when you look at the amount spent that you cannot afford to get sick. Staying healthy must be your top priority.

Second, the wasteful medical spending is ridiculous. According to The Institute of Medicine, The United States spent $750 billion dollars, or 30percent of its budget, on waste. This is an absurd amount. It should make individual consumers like you aware that sustaining optimum health must become your personal responsibility. With this concept in mind, tens of millions of people are turning to Doctors of Chiropractic and other holistic health care professionals for themselves and their families.

Think about it. If you were an employee of a company that was wasting 30 percent of its budget and you were watching your overall company costs skyrocket, would you continue to maintain trust in the leadership of the company? Wouldn’t you begin to look for new leadership?

Go back to that 30,000 foot perspective and look at some recent data available through World Factbook. Over the last six years the United States life expectancy ranking has grown worse (from 37th to 51st) while infant mortality has also moved the wrong direction in rank (now 44th compared to other industrialized nations).

The constant propaganda put out by the medical industry distracts the public from healthier options so that it can retain its monopoly on the minds of the people. As a health care consumer it is important for you to bypass the bologna, the commercials and the biased headlines. Read, research, listen, and make choices that are right for you and your family. For many of you reading this article, the choices include Chiropractic Lifestyle Care.

Chiropractic is a 14 billion dollar industry, less than half of one percent of the total health care budget. The truth is while Medicare and many insurance companies partially cover chiropractic care for a crisis, the majority of people who visit Doctors of Chiropractic for Lifestyle Care choose to pay for this care out of their own pocket. These people invest in their health. They realize their health is their responsibility and a healthy spine and nervous system is essential through every phase of life.

For example, a June 26, 2013 report by the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress entitled “Accountable Care Organizations Optimizations, Cost Savings and Patient Satisfaction With Chiropractic Care”, the average cost of low back pain care was 12.5 percent lower for the group with chiropractic coverage inclusion. The report also states “injured workers with low back problems have a 42.7 percent chance of having spinal surgery if their primary caregiver for this condition was a surgeon. However, if chiropractic was used, the number of patients who eventually have expensive spinal surgery drops to only 1.5 percent.”

Based on patient success and results, the investment in chiropractic care needs to grow. While chiropractors do not treat back pain per se, by correcting spine and nervous system imbalances, subluxations, the body can heal itself more effectively.

As it says in The 100 Year Lifestyle, “Everyone deserves to be healthy and express their full potential from the time they are born through their last breath of life. This includes you.” See you at your next appointment.

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